Old Testament History II

Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)
Class Time: 6:30-8:00pm (dates listed below)
Course Description: Both parts of this course will place an emphasis on the historical content and spiritual application of the books of Joshua through Esther. Part 2 will study the books of 1 Kings through Esther. This course will allow the key characters of the nation of Israel from Judges, Kings, and prophets, come to life. The goals of this course are for students to know the basic historical context of these books, be aware of the biblical theology of each book covered, learn to identify valid principles, and deepen their worship of Almighty God as He is encountered in the text. Students will gain insight in interpreting Bible stories, understanding God’s purposes and making current day application of God’s unchanging principles into their daily lives.
- Apr 9
- Apr 16
- Apr 23
- Apr 30
- May 7
- May 14