We Will Not Be Silenced

Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)
Class Time: 6:30-8:00pm (dates listed below)
Course Description: This Erwin Lutzer's book is the prerequisite book for “No Reason to Hide” which was taught last spring 2024. This 6 week course will cover the material in “We Not Be Silenced” and do an update and review of “No Reason to Hide” and the dramatic developments this past year. In just a years’ time, topics like white privilege, social justice, critical race theory, gender neutrality, white fragility, and DEI, are being openly challenged. What should we as followers of Christ be saying on these topics? We will explore all these seeing what the timeless Word of God tells us on these topics.
- Apr 9
- Apr 16
- Apr 23
- Apr 30
- May 7
- May 14