Who Am I? Living in Our True Identity In Christ

Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)
Class Time: 6:30-8:00pm (dates listed below)
Course Description: In a world that defines us by success, failure, and shifting opinions, God calls us to a deeper, unshakable identity in Christ. This six-week series, drawing from Who Am I? by Jerry Bridges and Remade by Paul Tautges, explores what it means to be redeemed, accepted, and transformed by God's grace. Together, we’ll unpack the biblical truths that shape our identity—not by what we do, but by who we are in Christ. Join us as we discover the freedom and confidence found in living as those remade by the Gospel!
- Apr 9
- Apr 16
- Apr 23
- Apr 30
- May 7
- May 14