Nehemiah 1-7 - Review - Bible Tic-Tac-Know

Dr. Steve Viars October 6, 1996 Nehemiah

Nehemiah Lessons 1-18 - "Bible Tic-Tac-Know"

Explanation of Review:
Method: The review will be conducted as a giant Tic-Tac-Toe -- i.e. the overall objective will be to complete the larger Tic-Tac-Toe (3 in a row) by completing the smaller ones within each large box.
1. Divide the class into 2 teams and determine which will be the "X's" and the "O's".
(I thought about the "Sanballats" and the "Tobiahs" but didn't think that would go over very well!)
* Builders -- Team #1
* Defenders -- Team #2
2. Divide each team into an equal number of sub-groups of about 8-12 people each -- then number each sub-group as #1, #2, #3, etc. -- each sub-group can appoint a different spokesperson every time they are asked a question (the spokesperson must be the one to give the correct answer)
Note: Encourage the surrounding groups to talk very quietly so as not to give the answer to the sub-group being questioned.
How to Play the Review:
- After determining which team will go first, the teacher begins with sub-group #1
- That sub-group must make two selections:
1) a selection of a CATEGORY (i.e. the headings of the larger Tic-Toe-Toe box)
Example: "Lesson 3-4"
2) a selection of a NUMBER (1-9) of the smaller box
Example: #5 (which is the center number of the small box under the category of "Lesson 3-4")
- The teacher then asks a question from that particular CATEGORY (list of questions for each CATEGORY are given below)
- After the question is asked, I would give about 20 seconds to answer the question -- if they can't give an answer (or even a guess) then time expires and that team would lose their turn
Note: It's better not to let the other team answer that question, if you get a few wrong answers in a row and the other team gets it right, you can have a BLOWOUT! But you can do whatever you want!
- If the answer is correct, then an "X" (or an "O" depending on the team) is placed over #5 of CATEGORY "Lesson 3-4"
Remember the objective: To get a large Tic-Tac-Toe (3 in a row) in the CATEGORIES by getting the smaller Tic-Tac-Toe within the CATEGORY
- Then the other team's sub-group #1 would then make their selection and so on.
Note: A team may chose to "block" the other team's smaller Tic-Tac-Toe within a particular CATEGORY, or they may pursue their own separate CATEGORY
- The play continues until a large Tic-Tac-Toe of the CATEGORIES is achieved
- In the event of a "cat" (or a tie) within the smaller box of the CATEGORY, the team with the most "X"s or "O" wins that CATEGORY!
- In the event of a "cat" in the large CATEGORIES, the team with the most "X"s or "O"s wins! -- if there is the same number of large "X"s or "O"s and time expires, then total the smaller ones.

CATEGORY: Introduction Lesson 1-2
1. Some interpret this book "allegorically," how do we interpret Nehemiah? * literally
2. Name one of two main theme about which the book of Nehemiah speaks. * construction or leadership
3. What method of interpretation would the following statement reveal: (Each is a separate Q)
Because the will was complete in 52 days, we should complete our buildings in 52 days -- (allegorical)
Because the wall was completed in 52 days, we should believe that God can do great things through those who faithfully follow Him -- (literal)
Because Nehemiah surveyed the ruins of the wall at night on horseback, our leaders should carefully consider a project before "springing" it on others -- (literal)
Because Nehemiah surveyed the ruins of the wall at night on horseback, our building committee should have their meetings at night on horseback -- (allegorical)
Because Nehemiah confessed the sins of his forefathers as a representative of God's people, leaders should be sure that sin should be confessed by and to the appropriate people before expecting God's blessing -- (literal)
4. To whom did the Southern kingdom fall in 586 B.C? -- (Babylon)
5. How long did the Babylonian captivity last? -- (70 years)
6. What was the name of the prophet who had already rebuilt the temple at Jerusalem? -- (Ezra)
7. What does Nehemiah's name mean? -- (the Lord has comforted) > "comfort" is acceptable.
8. What was Nehemiah's official title as a servant to the king? -- (cupbearer)
9. Name one of the two responsibilities that Nehemiah had as a cupbearer. -- (1. taste and test the food and drink. 2. guard the kings sleeping quarters)
10. Name the king from whom Nehemiah asked permission to go rebuild the walls. -- (Artaxerzes)
11. Give one reason why the walls of the city being broken down was such a major issue. -- [1) The temple could be destroyed easily by the enemies -- no defense. 2) The testimony of the Lord was at stake]
12. List one of the 3 words to describe what Nehemiah said about the condition of the walls and/or the people of Jerusalem -- [1) Remnant 2) Ruin 3) Reproach]
13. List two specific things that did Nehemiah did immediately upon hearing the initial report about the condition of his people? -- [1) sat down 2) wept 3) mourned 4) fasted 5 ) prayed]
14. Name the capital of the Persia where Nehemiah was located? -- (Susa)

CATEGORY: Lesson 3-4
1. What was one of the key attributes of Nehemiah's life that made him a great leader? -- (prayer)
2. In the acronym A.C.T.S., A = Adoration, S = Supplication, -- what do T and C stand for? -- (C = Confession, T = Thanksgiving)
3. Finish this phrase of one of Nehemiah's prayers -- "I beseech Thee, O LORD God of _________. -- (heaven)
4. According to Nehemiah, God preserves the covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and do what? -- (keep His commandments)
5. What did Nehemiah confess when he prayed to God the first time? -- (the sins of the people)
6. True or False -- We must practice corporate confession today as Nehemiah did. -- (false)
7. After confessing the sin of the people, what else did he confess? -- (his own sin!)
8. T- F -- Because of the broken down condition of the walls, Nehemiah would have been justified in thinking, "God is unfair. How could a loving God do this?" -- (false)
9. What had God already promised Israel if they turned aside to other gods? -- (judgment, punishment, scatter you among the people, etc.)
10. T - F -- Nehemiah knew that God's forgiveness was conditional. -- (true)
11. What did Israel have to do if they wanted to get God forgiveness? -- (repent or "turn to me" and "keep my commandments and do them" etc.)
12. How does Nehemiah describe the forgiving work of God as the people would repent and turn to Him? -- (as 'gathering them back" or "bringing them back")
13. T - F -- Nehemiah prayed very specifically, therefore we should pray specifically/ -- (true)
14. What word or term does Nehemiah use (3 times) to describe himself as he prays to God? -- (servant)

CATEGORY: Lesson 5-6
1. How long had Nehemiah been praying about the situation in Jerusalem before he actually approached the king? -- (4-5 months)
2. Nehemiah teaches us that prayer and what other quality go hand in hand? -- (1) Patience or waiting, 2) Planning)
3. T- F -- Nehemiah was essentially asking the king to reverse his policy regarding any rebuilding projects in Jerusalem. -- (true)
4. T - F -- Nehemiah is known for his long prayers. -- (false)
5. What was one advantage of waiting on God's timing, or what was Nehemiah able to do because God forced him to wait for an answer to his prayer? -- (Plan)
6. Name one of the two things that Nehemiah asked the king for before his took his trip? -- (1. letter for safe passage 2) supplies)
7. T - F -- Nehemiah knew how long the project would take and told the king a specific time frame. -- (true)
8. T - F -- The king gave Nehemiah ALL that he asked for. -- (true)
9. Complete this phrase telling us the real reason why God answer his prayer and the king gave him his request: "because the _______ _________ of my God was upon me." -- (good hand)
10. What was it about Nehemiah's countenance that the king noticed? -- (sad -- or discouraged)
11. What were the names of the people that initially opposed Nehemiah? -- (Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem)
12. The leader needs to be concerned about his relationship to the Lord, and his relationship with his superiors, and what other group? -- (those he is called upon to lead) or (the opposition)
13. What do good leaders carefully and quietly do BEFORE attempting to accomplish what they believe God wants them to do? -- (gather the facts) -- you could say, consistent with Pro. 18:13
14. What was the circumference of the city of Jerusalem? -- (about 1.5 - 2 miles)
15. There were 3 aspects that made Nehemiah's job difficult, 1) the size of the job, 2) the history of defeat, and what other aspect? -- (discouraged people)
16. Was Nehemiah's motivation to the people "external" or "internal"? -- (internal)
17. Nehemiah's motivation was, "Let us arise and build that we be no more a ________? -- (reproach)

CATEGORY: Lesson 7-8
1. What did Neh. say that "the God of heaven" would give them? -- (success)
2. Nehemiah 3 teaches us that one of the FIRST steps in getting the job done is to "break the task down into" what? -- (manageable parts)
3. Another step in getting the job done is it make wise and informed ministry assignments. Name at least 3 of the 9 various groups that Nehemiah mentioned. -- (priests - men of Jerico - guild members - city officials - women - singles - temple servants - city guards - merchants)
4. T - F -- Those who worked on the walls of the city were only those who lived in Jerusalem. -- (false) -- many other cities were involved
5. T - F -- Nehemiah was very careful about where he asked men and women to serve and often their assignment was very close to where they lived. -- (true)
6. After people have worked hard and done what God has enabled them to and what the leadership has asked, what is very important for a leader to do? -- (recognize and commend the workers -- showing honor to whom honor is due, etc.)
7. T - F -- Nehemiah spends very little time devoted to dealing with opposition. -- (false)
8. T - F -- It is acceptable to think that "I have no opposition . . . therefore I must be doing the will of God" -- (false)
9. T - F -- It is acceptable to think that "I am facing stiff opposition, therefore I must not be doing God's will. -- (false)
10. T - F -- All opposition is typically "Neh. 4" kind of opposition. -- (false)
11. Finish this description: Sanballat the ______________. -- (Hornite)
12. Finish this description: Tobiah the __________________. -- (Ammonite)
13. Finish this description: Geshem the _____________ -- (Aribian)
14. Complete this verse: The _______ is right in his own eyes, but the _______ is he who listens to counsel. -- (fool, wise)
15. T - F -- Nehemiah never questioned that the direction he was leading his brethren was God's will. -- (true)
16. What form does opposition often take? -- (ridicule -- or criticism)
17. What is one of the 6 statements (or questions) that the opposition made to Neh.? -- (1. what are these feeble Jews doing 2. will they restore their wall? 3. ... offer sacrifices ... 4. ... finish in a day, 5. Can they revive stones from rubble? 6. If a fox should jump on it, it would break)
18. What is one very obvious thing that Neh. did NOT do when he was ridiculed? -- (ridicule them)

CATEGORY: Lesson 9-10
1. Lesson 9 dealt with "Overcoming Discouragement" -- Name the group of men who were FIRST to voice their discouragement with the project. -- (Men of Judah)
2. The men of Judah said 1) we are unable to finish 2) there is much rubbish and that something was failing -- what was failing among the people? -- (strength -- they were physically tired)
3. T - F -- Many of the workers did not live inside the "city limits" but were Jews living in nearby towns. -- (true)
4. How many times did the people come and warn Nehemiah about the threats of Sanballot and Tobiah -- was it 2, 5, or 10 times? -- (10)
5. There are three causes of discouragement in Neh. 4 -- a loss of _________. -- Name one of them. -- (strength, vision, confidence)
6. How much of the wall had been completed when discouragement became an issue. -- (half)
7. When discouragement set in, Nehemiah accurately diagnosed the problem as something else. What did Neh. say was the real problem? -- (Fear 4:14)
8. Instead of looking at the rubbish, Neh. challenged them to turn their eyes and focus where? -- (the Lord)
9. One of the keys to overcoming discouragement was to accurately diagnose the problem, to turn you focus to the Lord, and to maintain a balance between _________ and _________? -- (thought, action) -- you might give one of the blanks
10. Which was most likely to be committed by the enemy -- an all out attack or guerrilla warfare? -- (guerrilla)
11. Neh. faced problems head on and got them solved. There are two wrong extremes he carefully avoided -- one was being consumed by the problems. What was the other? -- (ignoring them)
12. What did Neh. put into the hands of those who every person working on the project? -- (a spear and a sword) -- give credit of either.
13. Neh. stuck a balance between building and what other possible course of action? -- (battling)
14. What did each worker wear at his side as they worked? -- (sword 4:18)
15. The main theme of Neh. 4 is opposition from WITHIN or from WITHOUT? -- (without

CATEGORY: Lesson 11-12
1. The main theme of Neh. 5 is opposition from ________________? -- (within)
2. T - F -- Some of the problems from within came because some were being greedy? -- (true)
3. The contributing factors to the problems in chapter 5 were 1) draught and famine, 2) high taxes, and what other factor? -- (high interest rates being charged -- usury)
4. T - F -- Some of the Jews were selling their sons and daughters into indentured service or outright slavery just for the sake of survival. -- (true)
5. What was Nehemiah's initial response to the high interest rates being charged, and the ungodly actions of many of his brethren? -- (anger 5:6)
6. The fact that Neh. said, "I consulted with myself," demonstrated that he practice what particular quality in his life? -- (self control)
7. T - F -- Upon hearing all the injustices that were taking place, Neh. confronted all the people at once to get the problems out in the open. -- (false -- confronted in stages)
8. T - F -- Some of the Jews loss their fields because of an inability to repay what was borrowed. -- (true)
9. Although he got angry, what did Nehemiah do first with those who were guilty of charging excessive interest? -- (confronted them privately)
10. After he privately confronted those charging excessive interest, what did Neh. do next? -- (help a public meeting 5:7)
11. What was Neh appealing to when he said to those being greedy, "You are exacting usury, each from his brother"? -- (their love for their brethren)
12. T - F -- The practice of charging interest to fellow Jews was explicitly forbidden in the Law. -- (true)
13. What mighty act of God toward all the children of Israel did Neh remind them of? -- (redemption --out of Egypt and Babylon)
14. What was one of the most damaging results, with the surrounding nations, of the Jews mistreating each other? -- (bad testimony)
15. On what particular basis could Neh ask his brothers to be lending money and grain to each other without charging interest? -- (I, my brothers, and my servants did it)
16. What did Neh remind them that the Lord would do if they did not obey? -- (judge them 5:13)

CATEGORY: Lesson 13-14
1. What position of leadership was Nehemiah appointed to? -- (governor)
2. In Neh. 5:14-19, Neh. said, "moreover, from the day I was appointed to be their governor" indicates that something was very crucial test on one's character. What is it? -- (advancement)
3. Finish this quote: "For every one man who can stand prosperity, there are a hundred that can stand __________. -- (adversity -- could use trial, pressures, etc.)
4. What was the name of the man who asked for a promotion? -- (Jabez)
5. Give one example of the way Nehemiah did not abuse his leadership privileges? -- (1) did not take food allowance 5:14 -- 2) did not tax the people 5:15 -- 3) led his "kinsmen" to behave the same way - 5:14)
6. What kind of governors had previously ruled over Israel? -- (wicked)
7. Which of the following did the previous governors practice toward the Jews: a) laid burdens on the people b) took bread and wine c) took money d) all of the above
8. What does Neh teach us about "the way it's always been done" mentality? -- (that's not necessarily the best way to do)
9. What motivated Neh to avoid the sinful practices of the past leadership? -- ("the fear of the Lord 5:15)
10. The life of Nehemiah teaches us two wonderful deterrents to sin. Name one of them. -- (busyness, and focus on God's service)
11. Nehemiah could have "cleaned up" fro a real estate perspective because of the famine and the difficult position may of these people were in. What did he do instead? -- (did not buy land 5:16)
12. What did Neh expect his "staff" to do regarding building the wall, etc.? -- (to serve and work -- get involved etc.)
13. What are some of the different forms the opposition has taken toward Neh? -- (ridicule, sarcasm, threats, violence)
14. How are the attacks of the opposition different in chapter 6 than in chapters 4 and 5? -- (it was directed PERSONALLY at Nehemiah)
15. What was the major reason Nehemiah gave for not going down and meeting Sanballat and Tobiah? -- (the wall was NOT completed -- the gates had not been hung)
16. How many times did Sanballat and Tobiah make the offer to meet with Nehemiah? -- (4)
17. What was the name of the neutral site that was proposed by Sanballat and Tobiah for the meeting with Nehemiah? -- (plain of Ono)

CATEGORY: Lesson 15-16
1. T - F -- If we respond to opposition well once, then we won't have to deal with it ever again. -- (false)
2. After the opposition's attack on project, on Nehemiah personally, and he refused to meet with them, what do the opposition do next to further oppose this work? -- (sent an open letter 6:6-7)
3. Name one of the 3 basic charges made against Nehemiah and the other Jews. --(1. You are planning to rebel -- 2. You are to be their king -- 3. You have appointed prophets to proclaim in Jerusalem concerning you, a king in Judah)
4. What is the one thing that is most often left out in a report of gossip? -- (the SOURCE)
5. Gossip is noted for what 2 things? Name one of them. -- (1. exaggeration -- 2. inaccuracy)
6. Complete this phrase: People are often quick to believe the ________ about others. -- (worst)
7. What is a common motive of gossip? -- (selfishness -- 6:9 -- could accept other answers)
8. You should only pass on information to people who are part of the __________ or the __________. -- (problem, solution)
9. T - F -- The rumors spread by Sanballat and Tobiah we completely unfounded. -- (true)
10. Give one of the 3 steps to overcoming gossip. -- (1. be loving enough to break the chain -- 2. be courageous enough to stand up for the truth -- 3. Be godly enough to stay close to the Lord)
11. From Nehemiah 6, when does temptation often come our way? -- (after a great victory)
12. What particular place was Nehemiah asked to take refuge? -- (the temple)
13. Nehemiah's response of "Should a man like me flee?" teaches us a balance between Godly humility and Godly _____________. -- (confidence)
14. Why couldn't Nehemiah enter into the temple (i.e. Holy of Holies)? -- (forbidden by God expect for the priests)
15. T - F -- Nehemiah let the success of the building go to his head. -- (false)

CATEGORY: Lesson 17-18
1. God is not only interested in helping us start a task, He is interested in what else> -- (finishing)
2. Complete: There are a lot more people who ______ well, then there are people who ____ well. -- (start, end -- or begin, finish)
3. Who did Nehemiah praise first when the wall was complete? -- (the Lord)
4. What did Nehemiah say that the heathen nations around would know or understand when they heard these things and saw the finished work of the wall? -- (the work was done by God or had been accomplished by the help of God -- 6:16)
5. T - F -- Completing the wall was also the end of any further accomplishments by Nehemiah? -- (False)
6. What was the relationship of Hanani to Nehemiah? -- (brother)
7. Name one of the two reasons Nehemiah gave for selecting Hananiah to be ruler over the palace. -- (faithful, feared God)
8. Protecting what God has given requires what kind of leadership? -- (godly)
9. Protecting what God has given requires an emphasis on who? -- (people)
10. Name one of the categories of people listed in Neh. 7 who helped contribute to the project. -- (1. original leaders -- 2. Jews who were laymen -- 3. Priests -- 4. Levites -- 5. Singer -- 6. Gatekeepers -- 7. Temple servants -- 8. Descendants of the servants of Solomon -- 9. those whose ancestry was questionable)
11. Protecting what God has given requires what kind of sacrifice? -- (financial)
12. Which is the emphasis of Neh. 7 -- bricks and mortar or the people? -- (people)
13. Complete: "Every Christian ministry is one short _____________ away from destruction, and God's people must be on guard"
14. T - F -- Raw leadership ability is worthless unless it is being developed in the crucible of a godly life. -- (true)
15. T - F -- God is very clear that His work is be financed by His people. -- (True)
16. What was the name of the king of Babylon who took Jerusalem captive in 586 B.C. -- (Nebuchadnezzar)

Dr. Steve Viars


Senior Pastor - Faith Church

Director - Faith Legacy Foundation


B.S.: Pre-Seminary & Bible, Baptist Bible College (Now Clarks Summit University)
M.Div.: Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min.: Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary

Dr. Steve Viars has served at Faith Church in Lafayette, IN since 1987. Pastor Viars leads and equips Faith Church as Senior Pastor with a focus on preaching and teaching God’s Word and using his organizational skills in guiding the implementation of the Faith Church mission and vision. He oversees the staff, deacons, and all Faith Church ministries. Dr. Viars serves on the boards of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Vision of Hope, and the Faith Community Development Corporation. Steve is the author, co-author, or contributor to six books and numerous booklets. He and his wife, Kris, were married in 1982 and have two married daughters, a son, and five grandchildren.

Read Steve Viars’ Journey to Faith for the full account of how the Lord led Pastor Viars to Faith Church.

View Pastor Viars' Salvation Testimony Video