Dear Concerned Citizen,
As you may already know, we have been working with our state legislators to protect faith-based counseling from local government intrusion. Thankfully, Senate Bill 350 passed out of the Indiana Senate on the strength of a 34-14 vote.
Now there have been several important developments in SB 350 that provide opportunities for you to take a stand for the ministry of God’s Word in our community. If this subject is new to you, SB 350 protects faith-based counselors around the state of Indiana from local government intrusion. It passed the Indiana State Senate last week and will next be considered by the Indiana House. The bill now has four House sponsors, and has been assigned to the House Committee on Employment, Labor, and Pensions.
Would you please consider taking the following two steps to let your voice be heard on this important issue?
Please stay tuned, because if SB 350 is passed out of the House Committee, there may be additional opportunities to let your voice be heard. Thank you for taking time to stand for the freedom to proclaim the gospel.
Steve Viars
Senior Pastor
Faith Church
Click this link to simultaneously email each of the following Representatives this message: “Thank you for sponsoring SB 350. I appreciate the principled stand you are taking for the freedom of speech and religious liberty.” [Please note: if sending using the iPhone mail app, you will need to manually fill in the email addresses; alternatively use Outlook or a desktop computer.]
Or if you'd like to email each Rep. individually, just click on their email address to modify/send your message.
Click this link to simultaneously email all of the following Representatives this message: “Please support SB 350 and take a principled stand for the freedom of speech and religious liberty.” [Please note: if sending using the iPhone mail app, you will need to manually fill in the email addresses; alternatively use Outlook or a desktop computer.]
Or, if you'd like to email a Representative individually, just click on their email address to modify/send your message. (This list is alphabetical by your Representative’s last name)