Worry & Fear

Susan Blake April 30, 2017

This is the third class in the fifth series of classes of the Women’s Foundation series.

This class looks at what the Bible teaches about anger, depression, despair, worry, bitterness, and self-esteem and how to deal with them.

I. Understand God’s Definitions

A. ____________________

Many of us to view worry and fear as “____________________ sins” or at least something that at best can be “simply managed”.

1. Literally, a “divided mind”

2. Repeatedly ____________________ in God’s Word. Matthew 6:25, Matthew 6:31, Matthew 6:34, Philippians 4:6

3. Worry is an over-anxious concern regarding the future and things that keeps a person from ____________________ current biblical responsibilities.

B. ____________________

1. A powerful and often habitual focus on a ____________________ danger or loss that prevents us from properly loving God and others

2. Has a source other than our ____________________ 2 Timothy 1:7

3. Can take many ____________________ from the world’s perspective

Acrophobia – fear of heights

Claustrophobia – fear of tight spaces

Arachnophobia – fear of spiders

Ablutophobia – fear of washing/taking a bath

Alektorophobia – fear of chickens

Coulrophobia - Fear of Clowns

4. ____________________ around several key themes in Scripture

  1. Fear of ____________________ Proverbs 29:25, John 12:42-43
  2. Fear of ____________________ temporal things Luke 12:4-5, I Corinthians 4:5
  3. Fear of ____________________ that cannot change Proverbs 3:25, Genesis 4:14

C. What is not ____________________ in these definitions

1. ____________________ care and concern Matthew 23:37-38

2. Proper planning that ____________________ God’s sovereignty Proverbs 6:6-8, James 4:15-16, Proverbs 16:9

3. Fear of ____________________ Proverbs 1:7, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

4. ____________________ for danger Job 41:33, I Corinthians 6:19-20

II. Believe God Cares When We Struggle in These Ways

A. His messengers frequently sought to ____________________ the fears of people. 2 Kings 1:15, Luke 1:30

B. One of the purposes of the incarnation of Christ was to ____________________ us from fear. Hebrews 2:14-15

C. Jesus wants His followers to experience ____________________ from fear and worry. John 14:27

III. Allow Occasions of Fear and Worry to Reveal the True Nature of Your Heart

A. Your view of ____________________

  1. Do you really believe He can be ____________________?
  2. Do you really believe He ____________________ you?
  3. Do you really believe He has a specific plan for you?
  4. Do you really believe He is ____________________?
  5. Do you really believe He is ____________________?
  6. Do you really believe He is a good King?
  7. What does your fear and worry say about your working theology?

B. Your view of ____________________

  1. Do you view yourself as one of God’s ____________________ children?
  2. Do you believe nothing can separate you from His love?
  3. Are you glad to be one of His ____________________?
  4. Is your life about God furthering your plan or you furthering His?
  5. Are you willing to endure ____________________ if that is the means God wishes to use to conform you to the image of His Son and glorify Himself?
  6. What does your fear and worry say about your view of self?

C. Your view of ____________________ people

  1. What are you afraid of people ____________________ for/to you?
  2. What are you afraid of people not doing for/to you?
  3. What does your fear and worry say about your view of other people?

IV. Take Steps to Overcome Worry and Fear Biblically.

“Jesus has no interest in simply talking about what’s wrong with us. He’s always going somewhere good. He does make reference to our temptation and failures, but he’s more concerned with giving you solid reason not to worry. Yes, you have reason to worry because things are uncertain. But you have many, much better reasons not to worry!” (David Powlison, Worry – Pursing a Better Path to Peace, 13)

A. ____________________ between right concern/appropriate fear and sinful worry/fear.

B. Carefully list your feelings, thoughts, desires, words, and actions that fit under these categories and begin to ____________________ them in light of God’s Word.

C. ____________________ and ____________________ of any/all habits of unbelief, doubt, and idolatry.

D. Acknowledge the ____________________ nature of many of our fears and worries. Matthew 6:25

E. Reflect on the ____________________ of God in providing for all His creation. Matthew 6:26, Matthew 6:28-29, Matthew 6:32

F. ____________________ in your identity in Christ. Matthew 6:26, Matthew 6:30-31

G. Learn to draw ____________________ to our sympathetic Savior to find grace and help. Hebrews 4:14-16

H. Recognize the ____________________ nature of fear and worry. Matthew 6:27

I. ____________________ a faithful prayer life which includes thanksgiving for all that God has already provided. Matthew 17:20, Philippians 4:6

J. Focus on ____________________ today’s responsibilities in the power of Christ. Matthew 6:33-34

K. Practice ____________________ God and others instead of focusing on what you might lose. 1 John 4:18, Philippians 2:3-4

Recommended Resources

Fitzpatrick, Elyse. Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2001.

Powlison, David. Worry: Pursuing A Better Path to Peace. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2004.

Priolo, Lou. Fear: Breaking Its Grip Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2009.

Welch, Edward T. Learning the Fear of the Lord: A Case Study. The Journal of Biblical Counseling, volume 16, number 1, 1997, 25-27.

Welch, Edward T. When People are Big and God is Small. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1997.

Susan Blake


Susan teaches parenting and home schooling classes at Faith Church. She is a ACBC certified counselor at FBCM, and is a mother of five.