Basic Truths: Witnessing #6

Faith Church July 12, 1992

- we're studying how to please the Lord in the use of our


- we've talked about all the things that have to be put off

- now we're studying what has to be put on

- surely one of the things that the Lord would want us to do

with our tongues is tell others about His Son

- this is our sixth week on this subject so if you're just

joining us you might want to consider getting a copy of

the notes from the previous weeks -- we'd be happy to

provide them

- today we're going to continue talking about "Handling

Common Objections"

- last week we tried to "Develop a philosophy of handling


- how do I respond, not to a specific objection, but

just to the fact that the person has an objection


- today I'd like to mention a few more general principles

about objections, and then we'll start talking about some

of the specific common objections

I. Basic Attitudes In Handling Objections

A. Avoid arguments

- when somebody objects, its not time to pull out

your argumentation gun and shoot the person down

(blow smoke from your gun)

- it's possible to win the argument and lose the

opportunity to minister to that person

- it's important to remember, in relation to this,

that we ought not to take objections personally

- we're not there to present ourselves, we're there

to present our Lord

B. Show positive attitude

- let's say that you're giving your testimony and the

person objects by saying--"born again, that's

something Jimmy Carter came up with."

- What positive thing could you say to that?

- thanks for listening

- thanks for thinking this through

- thanks for being Bereanish

- closely aligned to that one:

C. Use sincere compliment

- it's nice to discuss this with someone so willing

to think this through

- its obvious that you're well-read

- so one question we need to ask - do I have the right


II. Methods of Handling Objections

A. Postpone

- question to ask ourselves - does this deal with an

essential part of the gospel?

- often the quesion won't - (cf. Why so many


- INPUT - how can you "postpone" that objection?

- "that's an interesting question and I'd like to

talk to you about it as soon as we've finished

talking about how a person goes to heaven."

- might not be a bad idea in some settings to

actually write the question down on a legal pad so

the person knows you are serious about getting back

to it

B. Answer quickly

- if objection does deal with an essential part of

the gospel, you of course will need to answer it

- cf. our Lord with Thomas - John 14

C. Research and return

- person may ask a question that you can't answer

- that is possible

- I get paid to study the Scripture and there are

plenty of questions I can't answer

- (many of you have asked me questions where I've

told you I'd need to get back to you)

- there's a lot of difficult questions that could be


1) Could a person effectively be baptized in a

heap of shredded paper?

2) Is God ethical in declaring me righteous when

I'm really not?

3) Can God make a rock bogger than he can pick


- now let's talk about some common objections

-(if time, break into groups and have them brainstorm the

different objections they've heard or been confronted with)

- in the time we have left, let's talk about some of these

common objections.

- our "method" will be this--I'll mention the specific

objection and then we'll brainstorm some possible answers

- then we'll study some things together

III. Handling Some of the Common Objections

A. I don't believe the Bible


- "What do you understand the main message of the

Bible to be?"

- "I don't believe it"

- I'm not asking if you believe it - I'm asking what

you understand God's Word to say about how a person

gets to heaven?

- they will probably answer something about works

- you've rejected the most important book in

human history without understanding it's


- Can I share that message with you?

B. Religion is a crutch

- there are many things appealing about God - His

love, compassion, mercy

- there are also aspects about God that make terror

here on earth pale by comparison

- His justice and judgement to come- His

anger against sin and His wrath which He

will pour out on it

- we know it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands

of the living God - Heb. 10:31

- truth is - instaed of believers creating an

imaginary God to who we can flee, unbelievers have

created an imaginary world where God doesn't exist

to flee from a God whom deep down they know exists

C. There are hypocrites in the church


1. That's bad. Believers will never be perfect but

must be growing.

2. There wa s ahypocrite among the twelve.

Christ was longsuffering with Judas but he was

eventually judged.

Our Lord never allowed anyone to use Judas as an

excuse for being irresponsible.

3. Every person stands alone before God.

Rom. 14:12

4. there's only one place free of hypocrites.

5. Not all believers are as bad as some folks make

them out to be.

D. I've already done that.


- use two diagnostic questions:

1) Have you come to the place in your spiritual life

where you know for sure that you have eternal

life? -- that is; do you know for sure that if

you died today you would be on your way to


2) If you were to die today and stand before God and

He said to you, why should I let you into heaven,

what would you say?

- other answers - II Cor. 5:17 (has there been

a change?)

E. Life will be a drag if I accept Christ.

F. My friends won't understand.

G. All roads lead to heaven.

H. I can't live up to that.

I. I need more time.

Faith Church