Prayer #3

Faith Church January 11, 1991

- we're studying Bible Basics, this is our third week on
- let me ask you - did you use the cards we prepared to pray
for on our SS teams?
- have you taken steps of growth in this critical area of

- today we're going to look at Jesus' instructions on how to


- Several occasions in Scripture where the disciples had
the opportunity to observe Jesus praying.

a. Mk. 1:35.

b. Lk. 5:15,16; 6:12; 9:18.

- It's not surprising that, on several occasions, the
disciples asked the Lord for instructions on how to
pray. The question grew out of their observation. One
occasion is:

- Lk. 11:1.

- There are several passages (spoken on different
occasions) where Jesus answered that question. The one
we're going to look at today is from the Sermon on the
Mount in Matt. 6:9-15.

- one other thing I'd like to mention in an introductory way
is that there are a lot of ideas about prayer that the
Lord did not discuss:

(see Pastor's transparency)

- please turn to Matt. 6

- One of the things the Lord addresses in these verses is
"How not to pray".
- INPUT - even before we read the verses, what are some ideas
that come to your minds on the subject of "how not to

I. How not to pray - vs. 5-8.

A. As a means of bragging on your own spirituality-v. 5.

1. Concentration on the one who is praying rather than
on the One to whom the prayer is offered.

a. Anxious to give impression he is very spiritual.

b. Wants the respect he thinks such a condition

c. More concerned with what people think of him
than what he is doing.

d. Calls attention to himself.

- Rather than turn attention of others to the
God of prayer.

2. What is the result of this kind of praying?

a. They have their reward.

- "My what a spiritual giant he is."

b. Relate to 2 Cor. 5:10, & 1 Cor. 3:12-15.

- Temporary, worthless reward.

c. Using a godly action for selfish sinful

3. What is the solution?

a. Private prayer - v. 6.

b. Result of correct understanding of prayer.

4. Does not rule out public prayer, but remember these
rules when praying in public.

1) Pray for things common to the group.

2) Don't be "preachy" in prayers - they must be
directed to the Lord

3) Pray loud enough so everyone can say "Amen" -
I Cor. 14:16

4) Keep it short

B. Repetitious, ritual prayers - v. 7.

INPUT - according to the verse - what is the reason
a person might develop the habit of
repetitious praying? (the wrong belief that
God will be obligated to answer if I pray

- or the wrong belief that long prayers make you

INPUT - what is the difference between this and
praying for the same person every day?
(focus of repetitious praying is on
one praying - focus of latter is one being
prayed for.)

C. Simply reciting this one

"After this manner," in this way - Not simply
repetition of the Lord's Prayer.
- these are the guidelines or principles to use in

II. How to pray - vs. 9-15.

A. Addressed to God.

1. Our Father - Significance?

a. When we believers talk to God we are talking
to our Father.

b. Has your best interest at heart.

- Knows your needs, cares, difficulties,
- More concerned for you than you are your
- Will do only what is best for you.
- too good to do wrong, too wise to make a

- Ps. 31:19.

2. Which art in heaven - Significance?

- "Our Father" indicates His willingness and
eagerness to hear our praises and petitions.
- "Which art in heaven" shows His power and
sovereign right to answer our requests.

- cf. Eph. 3:20

B. Adoration.

1. Hallowed by thy name.

a. May your name be revered, honored, glorified,

1) God used various names to reveal Himself
to the children of Israel.

- Jehovah - the self-existent One.
- Elohim - strength, power.
- The Lord will provide.
- The Lord our Righteousness.

2) All these reveal his nature and being, His
character and attributes to mankind.

- INPUT - Why does the prayer start with this?

- To help us realize we are talking to the
blessed, eternal, absolute, almighty

- We are to desire that the whole world
bow before God in adoration, in
reverence, in praise, in worship, in
honor, and in thanksgiving.

- Prov. 9:10 - read
- Ps. 19:1; 8:1 (read), 3, 4, 9;
34:3; 96:1-9, 1 Tim. 1:17;
Rom. 15:6.

2. Thy kingdom come.

a. Mt. 6:33.

Seek first the kingdom of God - God the
king in His domain.

b. Rom. 14:11 gives understanding of the
ultimate goal of this kingdom.

INPUT - What are we really requesting with
this part of the prayer?
- The success of the gospel, the
conversion of men and women.

- that we, as individual
believers, SS class members,
church members, will be found
submissive to God's rule in our

- God's kingdom ruling in the
hearts and lives of men through
salvation. - An all-inclusive
missionary prayer.

cf. Phil 2:10-11

3. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

a. May Your will be done on earth just like
it is in heaven.

b. Example of Jesus.

- Jn. 6:38; 8:29.

- 2 Cor. 5:9; 1 Th. 4:1; Phil. 2:13. -
- Our obedience to God honors Him and
demonstrates that His kingdom is
the focus of our life.
- God's will being done on earth
honors Him.

Note - Focus of these 1st 3 parts of the prayer.

- Directed toward God, pertain to Him.

- INPUT - Significance? (Focus of our prayers should be
on God and His concerns. - Should begin
praying with attention to Him.)

C. Petitions.

1. Give us this day our daily bread.

a) What about to Rom. 14: 17? (Read)

cf Rom. 14:18

- We have a physical body created by God.
- We are to be good stewards of the body as of
everything else God gives us.
- Must feed and care for the body as good

b) How reconcile with Phil. 4: 19; Isa. 65:24;
Ps. 145:15,16?
- God enjoys our prayer, praise and petitions.
- This part of the prayer helps us realize our
utter dependence on Him.
- It reminds us that our times, our health,
our very existence are in His hands.

- Does not remove our responsibility. -
1 Thess. 3:10.

2. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

- Proof you are forgiven is that you forgive
- If you refuse to forgive, it may be because you
are not forgiven.
- If you are holding bitterness toward someone, it
is evidence you are not forgiven.

- Mt. 6:14,15; Mk. 11:25,26.

3. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

- note the significance of the order of the 2
aspects of this request.

1) The first step in being delivered from
evil is to avoid the temptation.

2) Asks to be kept from temptation first.

Don't put us in the place of temptation.

3) If this is to be a part of our prayer
life, what does that require of us?

- We do everything we can to avoid

INPUT - List some ways.

Point - God is so concerned we avoid
temptation he tells us to make it a
part of our prayer requests.

D. Thine is Kingdom, power and glory for ever.
1. Must end as begun, by praising Him.
2. Ends on a note of thanksgiving for
Who God is.
3. Proper after considering our needs,
our dependence on Him and our relationship to Him.

Faith Church