Review of in the Wonderful Counselor

Faith Church October 18, 2009 Romans 8:24-25


-. This is our last lesson on Finding Hope in the Wonderful Counselor

- I trust we’ve come to grips w/the fact we all need hope at various times in our lives/every day!

- the issue is: Where are you going to go to get it?

- OR Who or what are you going to look to in order to get hope?

Q: What is the definition of hope?

  • Hope = the anxious anticipation of good (biblical perspective)

Q: Based on what passage?

  • Romans 8:24-25 For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees?But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.

- we might not be able to SEE all the ways God can be glorified or we can GROW

- but we know we have HOPE because of Who God is, what He can do

* There is only one TRUE source of hope . . . and that is God!

Point: Our hope is NOT in circumstances/ abilities/skill or knowledge of others – it’s in God alone!

- Let’s do a QUICK REVIEW of the lessons we’ve studied – I want you to be ready to answer the following questions:

1) Which concepts captured your attention the most? Why?

2) What do we need to DO as an ABF to apply these truths to our relationship with each other? (i.e. how should we treat each other better OR differently as a result of the study of that specific lesson)

[Hit the following very quickly – the goal of this lesson is PERSONAL APPLICATION – being ‘doers’ of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22-25)]

Lesson #1: Hope in the Questions He Asks

- Jesus asked questions for various reasons:

1. INTERACTION – Responding to the question of others (Mark 8:4-5)

2. INFORMATION – Gathering data (Mark 8:5, 19-21)

3. INSTRUCTION – Making statements (Mark 8:12)

4. COMMUNICATION – Conveying a message (Mark 8:17-18)

5. CORRECTION – Pointing out a problem (Mark 10:18)

6. APPLICATION – Personal relationship (Mark 8:27-29)

7. EVALUATION – Personal examination – Mark 8:36-37

8. REVELATION – Reveal our heart (true character)

Lesson #2: Hope in How the Wonderful Counselor Defined Problems (Examples)

1. Physical Problems (results of the curse of sin on the body)

2. Spiritual Problems – Jesus spoke in biblical terms:

  • He used words: Sinful // Adultery // Liar // Foolish // Little Faith (unbelief/doubting God)
  • Out of the heart (the real source of problems!)

Lesson #3: Hope in the Relationships He Built

1. He Took the Initiative

2. He Showed No Partiality) Jesus was no respecter of persons)

3. He Looked Beyond the Offense to the Need!

4. He Modeled Unselfishness at All Times!

5. He Modeled the Heart of a Servant

Lesson #4: Hope in Giving Hope [Note: to GIVE hope you have to HAVE hope!]

1. The Process:(i.e. foundational principles [lesson 1-3] and realizing the NEED for hope!

2. The Practice of Giving Hope: He modeled hope by His life/words! & there are many examples of the Wonderful Counselor giving Hope:

3. The Potential of Giving Hope: A Changed Life!

Lesson #5: Hope in Proper Instruction

1. Q: Why do we NEED instruction?

2. Q: What is our SOURCE of instruction? [Answer: God’s Word]

3. Q: What instruction did the Wonderful Counselor give us?

> Publically // Small Groups (Disciples) // Individually

Lesson #6: Hope in His Expectations

1. Consider the Rationale Behind Jesus’ Expectations

> God is a god of action – Jesus is the perfect model of action!

2. What Resources Do We Have that Can Help Us DO What Jesus Expects?

> The Power of God’s Word // God’s grace // Holy Spirit // local church

3. The RESPONSE to Jesus’ Expectation

> We have to make a choice: Obey or Disobey!

4. The RESULTS of Obedience to Jesus’ Expectations

  • John 13:17"If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.”

Lesson #7: Hope in the Disciples He Chose

1. What They Were

Examples: a tax collector (traitor) // Judas, a greedy thief/later a traitor // fishermen arrogant

2. What They Could Be

Good Point: The Gospels end hopeful but tentative. The disciples weren’t there yet.

Note: Think about what happened after Pentecost?

3. What They Became

- last week we concluded our study:

Lesson #8: Hope in Helping Other to Grow – John 15

- this passage gives us at least 5 ways that Jesus helped His disciples to grow (and reveals to us how we can grow and help others to grow!)

1. Jesus Loved the Disciples – v. 12-13

* The key to helping people grow is the love you have for them!

“People don’t care how much you know, till they know how much you care!”

* Sacrifice is a ‘fruit’ of love for someone![

2. Jesus Spoke the Truth to the Disciples – v. 14-15

3. Jesus Expected Them to Grow – v. 16-17

A. To bear ‘fruit’ … ‘more fruit’ … and ‘much fruit’

4. Jesus Modeled the Right Response to Life Situations – v. 18-25

* Friends communicate . . . and help each other GROW

> How to respond to rejection and persecution // a pure life that glorified the Father

5. Jesus Sent the Holy Spirit to Help Them

- now, in response to all this – how would you answer the following questions?

1) Which concepts captured your attention the most? Why?

2) What do we need to DO as an ABF to apply these truths to our relationship with each other? (i.e. how should we treat each other better OR differently as a result of the study of that specific lesson)

Lesson #1: Go asking questions (get the facts) when problems occurs

Lesson #2: Use biblical terms (define the problem properly

Lesson #3: Grow in our love for each other

. involved in each other’s lives

. apply the ‘one another’ passages to our ABF

Lesson #4: Consciously try to give each other hope in hard times

Lesson #5; Admonish one another w/truth (Eph. 4:15)

Lesson #6: Be doers of the Word and not just hearers

>love God, people, grow/serve/give

Lesson #7: Realize we’re all just tools in the Redeemer’s hand

> disciples used by God – He can use us

Lesson #8: We have to be growing to help others grow – conscious choice!

Finding Hope in the Wonderful Counselor

Questions He Asked


1. Consider the different ways to define hope:

  • hope = the _____________ ________________ of good (biblical perspective)

  • hope = an ________________ of the outcome (world’s perspective)

2. The definition you hold to will be based on the _____________ of your hope!

* There is only one _________ source of hope . . . and that is ______!

Input: What other attributes of God give us hope?

I. Hope: Because of Who the Wonderful Counselor Is!

A. ____________ is the Wonderful Counselor!

  • Wonderful’ = marvelous, extraordinary, hard to comprehend

* Jesus would be a Counselor that was greater than we could begin to _____________.

  • Counselor =to advise, consult, give counsel

lit. – a ______________ of a Counselor

* Jesus Christ is abundantly qualified to ___________ and _____________ our lives!

B. Jesus is ______!

C. What kind of hope does the Wonderful Counselor give?

1. Hope for ______________

2. Hope for ______________ (to be set apart)

  • _____________ Sanctification (the process of God bringing us to Him in salvation)
  • _____________ Sanctification (where we stand IN Christ)
  • _____________ Sanctification (doctrine of spiritual growth/ becoming more like Christ)
  • _____________ Sanctification (what we will be someday when we get to heaven!)

II. Hope: In the Questions He Asks

A. The _____________ of His questions

* What the purpose is NOT: He _________ know the answer!

* What the purpose IS:

1. ____________________ – Responding to the question of others (Mark 8:4-5)

Q: How many loaves do you have?

* Hope: He loves us enough to help us when we don’t get it!

2. ____________________ – Gathering Data (Mark 8:5, 19-21)

Q: What is your name?

* Hope: He doesn’t need the facts, but He wants us to __________the truth and be honest!

3. ____________________ Making Statements (Mark 8:12)

Q: Why does this generation seek for a sign?

* Hope: God’s truth can help us, if we will ____________!

4. ____________________ Conveying a Message (Mark 8:17-18)

Q: Series of questions asked!

Q: Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is eliminated?

* Hope: God ______________ with us! [full disclosure!]

5. ____________________Pointing Out a Problem (Mark 10:18)

“Questions ______________ the conscience; accusations ______________ the heart!”

Q: Why do you call Me good?

* Hope: God demonstrates ______________ in spite of our spiritual condition!

6. ____________________Personal Relationship (Mark 8:27-29)

Q: Who do people say I am?

Q: Who do you say that I am?

* Hope: God wants to apply truth to our ______________ life!

7. ____________________Personal Examination – Mark 8:36-37

Q: For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?3"For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Q: You do not want to go away also, do you? (John 6:66-67)

*Hope: God wants us to ______________ evaluate our heart and grow!

8. ____________________ – Reveal our heart (true character)

Q: Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Q: Do you love me? (John 21:15-17)

*Hope: God’s truth ______________ the true heart of man!


Q: What question is God asking you?

Q: Are you going to ______________ or ______________ the questions?

Q: Are you willing to ______________ and change?

Faith Church