
Candace Dunston April 6, 2017

This is the fifth class in the fourth series of classes of the Women’s Foundation series.

This series explores what it looks like when the Holy Spirit is working in your life to develop the character of Christ in you.

I. Welcome

II. Review of Last Week’s Fruit Focus

III. Exploration of Fruit & the Fruit-Filled Life

  1. Definition
  2. Comparison
  3. Ranking
  4. John 15:1-2

IV. Self-Control

A. The ____________________of Self-Control – I Cor 9:27, James 1:14-16, Eph 4:22-24

Self-Control literally means the control of one’s self. It might be best described as

  • governing one’s desires” and
  • “the ability to avoid excesses, to stay within reasonable bounds” and
  • “the healthful regulation of our desires and appetites, preventing their excess.”[1]

“Self- Control is the exercise of inner strength under the direction of sound judgment that enables us to do, think, and say the things that are pleasing to God.”[2]

Self-Control can be broken down into two main concepts: “the moderation and temperance in the gratification of our desires/appetites”. The second concept is soundness of mind and sound judgement.[3]

V. The Application of Self-Control

1. Self-Control in ____________________– I Tim 6:17, I Cor 6:12, I Cor 10:31, II Cor 4:7

2. Self-Control in ____________________ – 2 Cor 10:5, Phil 4:8, Prov 4:23, Mat 12:34

3. Self-Control in ___________________– Prov 15:28, 16:23-24, 29:20,31:26, Matt 12:33-34

4. The Secret to Producing the ______________ of __________________ Psalm 119:97-100

IV. Application Questions

  1. What does abiding in the vine mean?
  2. Am I trying to produce fruit by myself without abiding in the vine?
  3. How can I make His Word my habitat such that I have a fruit-filled life?

V. Producing The Fruit-Filled Life

A. Growing in Self-Control – Romans 6:16,22, 2 Cor 5:14-15

Romans 6: 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.”

Something leads to Something leads to Something

_______________________ --> __________________________ --> _____________________

B. Sample Testimony

VI. Questions

VII. Recommendations for Further Study

  1. _____________________________

[1] The Fruitful Life, by Jerry Bridges, quote from page 154

[2] The Fruitful Life, by Jerry Bridges, quote from page 156

[3] The Fruitful Life, by Jerry Bridges, quote from page 155

Candace Dunston