Review of Peacemakers Solving Problems Gods Way

November 11, 2006

1. We’re concluding our series on the “Peace Makers” – a series based on the words of our Lord Jesus Christ:
 Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
2. Some of you have been here for all 12 sessions – others have missed a few here and there
Note: The DVD series will be available in the MRC for you to check out – along with a study guide arranged by the Peace Makers ministry
3. Do you remember WHY we chose to do this series?
- part of our job as pastors is to fulfill Eph. 4:11-16 – ‘equipping the saints . . . ‘
- part of that ‘equipping’ process is teaching our people HOW to solve problems
> in fact, we want to known for being a ‘problem solving church’ – a place where a person can go to get help when conflicts occur
Example: This week, a lady came to the church office, expressed that she had an offense with one of our members; we met with her for awhile and explained the process of Matt. 18 and told her that AFTER she talked to our church member and if the problem was not resolved, to contact us and we would meet with BOTH of them and help them resolve the issue.
- her statement to me and Trey was interesting, “I’ve heard a lot of good things about your church, and I’m not surprised that are willing to handle it this way.”
- THAT is the ‘salt and light’ God wants us to be in our community!
4. I think it would be helpful to do a BRIEF review of what we’ve studied
… then I’d like to hear from you regarding what has impacted you the most
… and then I’d like to take the last few minutes and have you write the Peace Makers Ministry a brief note of thanks for the series and/or how this series impact your life (not long … just 1-2 sentences!). [Teachers: see the Master Copy at the end of these notes]
Session 1: The Four G’s of Peacemaking
Key Principle: Conflict Provides Opportunities
Conflict = a DIFFERENCE in opinion or purpose that frustrates someone’s goals or desires.
* The Four G’s: A God-centered response to conflict. INPUT: What are those 4 G’s?
1: GLORIFY God (1Cor. 10:31)
1 Cor. 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
 How can I give the right opinion of God in the way I respond to conflict?
2: GETTING the log out of your eye (Matt. 7:5)
 How can I show Jesus’ work in me by taking responsibility for my contribution to this conflict?
3. GENTLY restore (Gal. 6:1)
 How can I lovingly serve others by helping them take responsibility for their contribution to this conflict?
4. GO and be reconciled (Matt. 5:24)
 How can I demonstrate the forgiveness of God and encourage a reasonable solution to this conflict?
Key Principle: Living at peace is a key to our Christian witness.
* The three dimensions of peace:
 Peace with GOD, with OTHERS, and within OURSELVES.
Input: What does a person need to do/think to be at peace with God . . . and others?
[acknowledge God is right, repent, confess your sin, put off/put on as you grow!]
* Inner peace is a by-product of being right with God and others.

Key Principle: Trusting God frees us to respond to conflict biblically.
Input: What are attributes of God do we need to focus on to help us solve problems biblically?
 God is SOVEREIGN – supreme, unlimited and totally in control.
Input: What are the implications of that truth?
> Therefore, nothing happens by “CHANCE” – not even suffering or conflict!
 God is not only all-powerful but also ALL-LOVING!

Key Principle: A gracious, gentle attitude can prevent most conflicts.
1. Two kinds of logs to remove:
#1 Log: A critical, negative ATTITUDE that leads to unnecessary conflict.
#2 Log: Actual sinful WORDS or ACTIONS
2. God calls us to OVERLOOK minor offenses. [give the person a chance to grow/change]

Key Principle: God uses conflict to reveal the idols of our heart!
Idol = anything we make more important than pleasing God (Exodus 20:1-3; James 4:1-3)
* 2 Questions to ask yourself to determine if a desire is an idol or not:
1) How do I respond when I don’t get it?
2) Am I willing to sin in order to get it?

Key Principle: Confession Brings Freedom
* The more serious the offense the more thorough the confession.

Key Principle: Constructive correction is a sign of genuine love!
* God calls us to lovingly CORRECT one another and that’s more than CONFRONTING . . . it’s about restoration of the relationship
- If possible, it’s best to handle conflicts FACE to FACE ‘
- Advice: Email the GOOD, talk the BAD!!

Key Principle: Breath Grace Rather Than Judgment
* Speak the Truth . . . in Love (that’s the hard part) – Eph. 4:15 is a key verse
- Be careful with the use of your tongue (this is where we blow it the most)
 Talk in person whenever possible, and with the attitude of being beside them (you sin, but I sin too), not above them (emphasis on humility)

Key Principle: Take One or Two Others (Matthew 18:15-17)
[Review the steps of Matthew 18]
* Goal: Forgive and RESTORE the repentant person!

Go and Be Reconciled
Key Principle: Our forgiveness show what we think of God’s forgiveness!
Note: Matthew 5:23-24 and Eph. 4:32
- Yes forgiveness is conditional upon repentance and it’s also commanded!

Key Principle: When you need to negotiate, PAUSE
Look Also to the Interests of Others (Phil. 2:3-4 – quote)
• PREPARE (Prov. 14:22)
• AFFIRM relationships (Esther 5:1-4 – e.g. showing respect for authority, etc.)
• UNDERSTAND interests (Phil. 2:3-4; 1Sam. 25)
* Interests (a concern, desire, need, limitation, or something a person values or fears) what motivates people and gives rise to their positions (opinions, motives, etc.)
• SEARCH for creative solutions.
• EVALUATE options objectively and reasonably.

Key Principle: Overcome Evil with Good – Rom. 12:14-21
[we have to do our part – ‘if possible, so far as it depends on you . . . ‘]

 What has impacted you the most? What lesson(s) has God taught you through this series?
 Take some time and write a brief note (2-3 sentences max) to Peace Makers Ministries!
[Note: DVD’s available in the MRC with Peacemaker study guides]

ABF Series
Peace Makers Series – REVIEW
 Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Q: Do you remember WHY we chose to do this series?

The Four G’s of Peacemaking
Key Principle: Conflict Provides Opportunities
Conflict = a DIFFERENCE in opinion or purpose that frustrates someone’s goals or desires.
1: ______________ God (1Cor. 10:31)
2: ______________ the log out of your eye (Matt. 7:5)
3. _____________ restore (Gal. 6:1)
4. _________ and be reconciled (Matt. 5:24)
Key Principle: Living at peace is a key to our Christian witness.
 Peace with __________, with _____________, and within _______________.
Input: What does a person need to do/think to be at peace with God . . . and others?

* Inner peace is a by-product of being right with God and others.

Key Principle: Trusting God frees us to respond to conflict biblically.
Input: What are attributes of God do we need to focus on to help us solve problems biblically?
 God is __________________ – supreme, unlimited and totally in control.
Input: What are the implications of that truth?

 God is not only all-powerful but also ________________!

Key Principle: A gracious, gentle attitude can prevent most conflicts.
1. Two kinds of logs to remove:
#1 Log: A critical, negative ___________ that leads to unnecessary conflict.
#2 Log: Actual sinful _____________ or __________
2. God calls us to _______________ minor offenses. [give the person a chance to grow/change]

Key Principle: God uses conflict to reveal the idols of our heart!
Idol = anything we make more important than pleasing God (Exodus 20:1-3; James 4:1-3)
* 2 Questions to ask yourself to determine if a desire is an idol or not:
1) How do I __________ when I don’t get it?
2) Am I willing to ___________ in order to get it?

Key Principle: Confession Brings Freedom
* The more serious the offense the more thorough the confession.
Key Principle: Constructive correction is a sign of genuine love!
* God calls us to lovingly CORRECT one another and that’s more than CONFRONTING . . . it’s about restoration of the relationship
- If possible, it’s best to handle conflicts FACE to FACE ‘
- Advice: Email the GOOD, talk the BAD!!

Key Principle: Breath Grace Rather Than Judgment
* Speak the Truth . . . in Love (that’s the hard part) – Eph. 4:15 is a key verse
- Be careful with the use of your tongue (this is where we blow it the most)
 Talk in person whenever possible, and with the attitude of being beside them (you sin, but I sin too), not above them (emphasis on humility)

Key Principle: Take One or Two Others (Matthew 18:15-17)
[Review the steps of Matthew 18]
* Goal: Forgive and RESTORE the repentant person!

Key Principle: Our forgiveness show what we think of God’s forgiveness!
Note: Matthew 5:23-24 and Eph. 4:32
- Yes forgiveness is conditional upon repentance and it’s also commanded!

Key Principle: When you need to negotiate, PAUSE
Look Also to the Interests of Others (Phil. 2:3-4 – quote)
• _____________ (Prov. 14:22)
• _____________ relationships (Esther 5:1-4 – e.g. showing respect for authority, etc.)
• ________________ interests (Phil. 2:3-4; 1Sam. 25)
* Interests (a concern, desire, need, limitation, or something a person values or fears) what motivates people and gives rise to their positions (opinions, motives, etc.)
• ___________ for creative solutions.
• ______________ options objectively and reasonably.

Key Principle: Overcome Evil with Good – Rom. 12:14-21

 What has impacted you the most? What lesson(s) has God taught you through this series?

A Special Thanks
To: Peace Makers Ministries
From: The Adult Bible Fellowship Ministry of Faith Baptist Church
ABF: _________________________________
Person(s): ______________________________
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

A Special Thanks
To: Peace Makers Ministries
From: The Adult Bible Fellowship Ministry of Faith Baptist Church
ABF: _________________________________
Person(s): ______________________________
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9