Monday Basic Training: Information & Instructions

Welcome to the Monday Basic Training program! Bookmark this page so that you can refer to it whenever you have a question or need to find a specific document.

Intro & Instructions
Class Notes

You can download/print all of the notes here, or you can download/print each individual session's notes below.

  1. Why Counsel
  2. What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical #2 Handout
  3. What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical #1 Lecture Handout
  4. Key Elements #1 Lecture Notes for 1 through 6
  5. Key Elements #2 Handout Basic Information Sheet
  6. Key Elements #3 Handout Personal Data Inventory
  7. Key Elements #4 Handout Journal of Upsets
  8. Organizing Data #1 Lecture Notes
  9. Organizing Data #2 Handout
  10. The Goal and Qualifications of Biblical Counseling
  11. Issues in Counseling Philosophies
  12. The Doctrine of Progressive Sanctification
  13. Trials and Suffering
  14. Understanding the Heart #1 Lecture Handout
  15. Understanding the Heart #2 Diagrams
  16. God's Basic Truths Regarding Marriage
  17. The Husband's Role #1 Lecture Notes
  18. The Husband's Role #2 Handout 50 Questions to Ask Your Wife
  19. The Husband's Role #3 Handout Ways a Husband May Express Love to His Wife
  20. The Wife's Role #1 Lecture Notes
  21. The Wife's Role #2 Handout Practical Ways to Show Love to Your Husband
  22. Four Rules of Communication #1
  23. Four Rules of Communication #2 Things to Say to Defuse an Argument
  24. Four Rules of Communication #3 Conference Table
  25. Biblical Parenting #1 - Common Ground
  26. Biblical Parenting #2 - Teaching
  27. Biblical Parenting #3 - Discipline
  28. How to Handle Anger Biblically
  29. Helping Singles Glorify God
  30. Children of Divorce
  31. Overcoming Sinful Worry and Fear
  32. Guilt and Repentance #1 Lecture Handout
  33. Guilt and Repentance #2 Conscience Chart
  34. Understanding Biblical Forgiveness
  35. Biblical Principles of Sex
  36. Understand and Overcoming Sexual Sin
  37. Counseling Those Struggling with Same Sex Attraction
  38. Counseling People with A Medical Illness
  39. Counseling People with a Psychological Diagnosis
  40. Helping Those Suffering with Depression
Counseling Case Forms