Communication #5

Faith Church May 7, 1992 Ephesians 4:25-32

- we've been studying what the Word of God says about
- Let's quickly review the four rules of communication from
Eph. 4:25-32
INPUT - rule and a verse?

- last week we talked about the important subject of "circuit

INPUT - what is a "circuit jammer?"

INPUT - who can give an example of a circuit jammer?

- the question we ask in each of these lessons is - Are you
taking steps of growth and change in this important area
of life?

- one other introductory question - Unbelievers also talk
about communication. You might even find someone who would
use a list of "rules of communication," though of course
they would not be based on the Scripture.
INPUT - what is different about the way view communication
and the way the unsaved world views it (go after Christ-

- this morning we're going to move into another area of
communication--the area of non-verbal communication.
- I'd like to start by dividing you in groups and asking you
to look at a series of passages that illustrate different
kinds of non-verbal communication.
- as with last week's lesson, we are relying heavily on Wayne
mack's book - "Your Family God's Way" and we would surely
encourage you to get it and read it.

I. Biblical Examples of Non-Verbal Communication

A. Genesis 3:8-10 - hiding and covering-communicating
fear, guilt

B. Genesis 4:5-6 - fallen countenance-communicating
anger, stubbornness, rebellion

C. Genesis 32:6-7 - dividing people into two bands-
communicating fear, distrust (could also look at
this passage from the perspective of Jacob
misinterpreting Esau's non-verbal communication of
sending the messengers)

D. Genesis 37:3 - Jacob giving Joseph a coat of many
colors-communicated love, favoritism

E. Genesis 39:4 - Potiphar gives Joseph great
responsibility-communicated trust (could also look
at this from the perspective of what Joseph's former
actions had non-verbally communicated to Potiphar
about the kind of person Joseph was.)

F. Genesis 40:6-7 - Pharaoh's servant's facial
expressions-communicated sadness.

G. Joshua 7:6 - Joshua tearing his clothes-communicating
anger, frustration

H. I Sam. 1:4-10 - Hannah crying and not eating-
communicated sadness, bitterness

I. I Sam. 18:4 - Jonathan giving gifts to David-
communicated love, friendship

J. I Kings 19:3, 4a - Elijah fleeing from Jezibel-
communicated fear, distrust

K. I Kings 21:4 - Ahab's "poochy lip" over Naboth's
vineyard-communicating sadness, greed,

L. Prov. 24-26 - maintaining eye contact-communicating
interest, desire to hear and obey

M. Proverbs 7:6-9 - (actions communicate) going with a
harlot-communicating foolishness, lack of

N. Mark 2:3-5 - taking unusual steps to bring friend to
the Lord-communicated their faith

O. Luke 18-10-13 - position praying-communicates
pride/humility--view of God

P. Luke 10:30-35a - (actions) refusing to help a person
in need-communicates concern, love

Q. Luke 15:3-4, 8, 20 - diligently seeking that which was
lost, rejoicing when it is found-communicates what
is important, treasured

- point of these passages is that there are many kinds of
non-verbal communication.
- now, at this point in the lesson--we want to make two
important points about this subject.

II. Two Important Ideas To Keep In Mind On This Subject

A. ...can be misunderstood

- INPUT - biblical examples of non-verbal
communication being misinterpreted?

Hannah/Eli - I Sam 1:12-18

Early believers - Acts 2:1-15 (thought they were drunk)
- Since we surely don't want to misinterpret someone
else's non-verbal communication, what biblical
principle(s) do we need to keep in mind until we
have clear facts (I Cor. 13)

- so this point is directed at the one receiving the
non-verbal communication.
- it is possible to misinterpret it.

- Illus. - Priest/rabbi - (Mack - 67-70)

- so, if right now you're thinking of this subject from the
perspective of receiving non-verbal communication-be sure
to factor in this point.

- however, our main concern this morning is to look at this
subject from the other perspective--when you and I are
sending non-verbal messages.
- in those cases-we must keep in mind:

B. We are responsible for this area of our life

- its true at times someone may misinterpret our non-
verbal messages
- but often time their interpretation is exactly
right because we have not pleased the Lord in
this area.

- in the previous lessons-we've been talking
about communicating verbally in a way that
pleases the Lord and honors His Word
- now we're talking about working on ways to
make our non-verbal communication consistent
with the way we want to come across verbally

- its important to note here that we may be sending
signals that we don't even realize, or that are
different than the ones we think we're sending

Mack - illus - p. 64

- at this point I'm going to ask you to get back into your
groups and we're going to try to do three things:

III. Categorizing non-Verbal Communication

A. INPUT - as a group, list as many kinds of non-verbal
communication as you can.

- maintaining eye contact
- avoiding eye contact
- rolling eyes
- stern look
- pleasant look
- frown
- smile
- smirk
- pout
- worried expression
- angry expression
- fearful expression
- sloppy dress
- neat dress
- backing off
- standing close
- seating positions
- use of time
- use of finances
- how we laugh
- what we laugh at
- willingness to help others
- spirit/manner in which we help
- how we listen
- our presence/absence
- attempts to avoid communication

- now I'd like you to take those ideas and organize them in
two categories

B. non-verbal behavior that hinders effective

C. Non-verbal behavior that enhances communicating

IV. Non-verbal Charades

- in the time we have left, we're going to try some non-
verbal charades.


Faith Church