Fall Soccer Starting Soon!
Youth Soccer League

Faith East Community Center is excited to provide two youth soccer leagues that are available to everyone in the community.


We want to use soccer as a way to instill character traits, heart attitudes, and soccer skills that will honor God on the field and in all of life's situations.

2024 Dates

  • Spring League
    • Registration: January 1 - March 17
    • League Play: Saturdays from April 6 - May 18.
  • Summer League
    • Registration: May 18 - July 14
    • League Play: Saturdays from August 3 - September 21.
  • Players will practice and play a game each Saturday of league play.
  • All league information will be distributed electronically as it becomes available.


Spring League: U6, U8, U10 - $50/player; no U13 league for spring
Summer League: U6 & U8 - $55/player; U10 & U13 - $65/player
(includes the cost of the team T-shirt and 7 weeks of Recreational Soccer)

League Information

LeagueApps is the website we use to run our community leagues.

The focus of our program is to offer all children the opportunity to learn and enjoy the game of soccer in a safe, supportive, and fun environment conducive to developing both athletic and team skills.

All Leagues are co-ed. Eligible ages are 4-12 (or 6th grade)

U6 League: ages 4-5

  • 3v3
  • Size 3 ball
  • Practice: 45 minutes followed by game
  • Game: 4 x 8 minute quarters and a 5 minute halftime

U8 League: ages 6-7

  • 4v4
  • Size 3 ball
  • Practice: 40 minutes followed by game
  • Game: 4 x 10 minute quarters and a 5 minute halftime

U10 League: ages 8-9

  • 7v7
  • Size 4 ball
  • Practice: 30 minutes followed by game
  • Game: 2 x 25 minute halves and a 5 minute halftime

U13 League: ages 10-12

  • 9v9
  • Size 4 ball
  • Practice: 30 minutes followed by game
  • Game: 2 x 30 minute halves and a 5 minute halftime
  • U13 league will only take place during the summer league

Practices & Expectations

All players must attend the practice time in order to play in the game that day.

We suggest that each child have soccer cleats (rubber cleats, no toe cleat) but soccer shoes are not required. Shin guards are required for safety.

We also suggest that each child bring their own water bottle and soccer ball.


Are you interested in helping players have fun while learning the rules, strategies, and fundamentals of the game of soccer? Are you passionate about encouraging players how to focus on important life skills and character traits such as responsibility, teamwork, communication, and leadership? We need your help to make this league successful!

Sign up today to help coach in either the spring or summer league: Visit our coaching page >


For questions, please contact Dave Esgar (765) 449-3740.