Women's Bible Study Leader Training
Reaching the hearts and lives of women for Christ

Thank you for serving the ladies of Faith Church as we all grow in doctrine and discipleship together!

Bible Study Leader Job Description

Each Bible Study Leader must meet the requirements of this job description.

Bible Study Leader Training Requirements


1. Each Bible Study Leader must have completed the training requirements for all Women's Ministry Leaders. (Click the "Women's Leader Requirements" accordion tab on the previous link to see the training requirements.)

2. Read the Bible Studies Policies and Procedures Manual

3. Read at least one of the following two books:


1. These podcast episodes describe our goals for Women's Bible Studies:

2. This podcast is helpful for Women's Bible Studies leaders:

3. Additional training topics about Bible Studies that you may benefit from include:

Administrative Tools

The following administrative tools are available for Bible Study Leaders:

Starting Out Strong

Starting out strong is essential with each new group. As you receive registrations (via email) from the Women's Bible Study Coordinator please respond within 2-3 days to each new member with the following three pieces of information:

  • First of all, members need to know where and when their group is officially meeting. The address of each Bible Study is never shared online for the safety and security of everyone involved.
  • Secondly, they need to have instructions about what resources they'll need to buy before their group starts and where they are most likely to be able to find them.
  • Thirdly, they need to know you are excited to connect with them and are looking forward to helping them feel comfortable as they join your group.
Important Bible Study Dates

Spring 2023 Bible Studies:

  • Advertising for Spring Bible Studies begins November 21, 2022, at Taste of Christmas.
  • Spring Bible Studies begin the week of January 23, 2022.
  • Spring Bible Studies end the week of April 24, 2022.

Fall 2023 Bible Studies:

  • Advertising for Fall Bible Studies begins July 16, 2023, at the Ice Cream Social.
  • Fall Bible Studies begin the week of August 27, 2022.
  • Fall Bible Studies end the week of November 18, 2022.

Janet Aucoin


Janet is the Director of Women's Ministry at Faith Church (Lafayette, IN); Host of the Joyful Journey Podcast (helping women learn that when you choose truth you choose joy); ACBC certified; teacher in Faith Community Institute; Coordinator of FBS seminary wives fellowship, retreat and conference speaker; B.S. Human Resources, University of South Florida.

"I was challenged to dig deeper into God's Word. I loved the fellowship and accountability with each other."
- Lynette Wanner

"Leading a Bible Study encourages my own growth and gives me the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with such a great variety of women!"
- Janet Aucoin